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What our clients say


The 2-day residential training was an amazing out-of-the world experience. 

Just eight weeks ago I was living a busy and healthy entrepreneur life. And then suddenly I was diagnosed with a heart ailment and had to do an immediate heart procedure.  The only advice the doctor gave me was to sleep well and take less stress as I had no other symptoms like Blood Pressure, Diabetes,  Overweight, etc. 

The Shaolin Experience rejuvenated my confidence as I was able to push my physical limits.  Thru the meditation courses I learned to achieve inner peace.  Devoid of all technology for 48 hours made me realize that the world around me survived and so enjoy the moment. 

I am happy that I got my wife. I wish I also had my children with me to experience this journey early in their life. 

A Shaolin Mauritius Participant from Pune, India

I remember vividly my first encounter with Alex; she explained how she was attracted to Kung Fu. Her personal story touched me. Here was a lady who went through personal tribulations and yet overcame them by going back to basics. So I was drawn to what she wanted to transmit. And the experience was enriching to say the least. It allowed us to focus on the essential and to ban the superfluous. Well done Alex and continue the great job of inspiring others.

Aisha Allee, Chief Executive Officer, The Jupiter Drawing Room

Xie Xie Ni, Shifu. You touched our hearts.

Paul Jones, Chief Executive Officer, LUX* Resorts & Hotels


An amazingly complete program, combining physical, spiritual & philosophical teachings. Absolutely loved it! So much to learn from Shifu. A truly inspiring master. Can’t wait to continue, if the opportunity arises. What a great initiative – thank you Alexandra! Do let me know if there is a repeat or program #2! I have no doubt all the participants came out of the program all pumped up, with a new outlook on life.

Marie Laure Ah-You, Chief Strategy Officer, LUX* Resorts & Hotels


To experience the Shaolin way of life over a week-end was a childhood dream come true. We have been brought up on Bruce Lee’s Kung Fu movies and to actually get a first-hand introduction of the Art from a Master was surreal.

Sid Sharma, Group Managing Director, RHT Holding Ltd


Having attended the Shaolin training, I learnt to be more self disciplined and develop my inner strength. A complete program to enhance your mental and physical abilities as well while working in teams. Morevoer, respect and humility have been prevalent during the whole training session which consolidate your attitude of gratitude. Thank you Shifu and Alexandra.

Vikash Somanah, Trainer, LUX* Academy


I can tell you that I have been greatly honoured to attend this session and feel I am privileged. I would like you to know my appreciation of today’s session and activities and to me, Shifu is the most humble person I ever got to meet so far. Despite his enormous talent, knowledge, sharing and devotion, he still remains a human being inside and keeps his humility. You could see it in his eyes and that’s what makes me have the most respect for him. Thank you for making this (Shaolin Masterclass) happen.

Quincy Charmante, F&B Manager, Merville Beach


Thanks for making this happen, was very beneficial. Was not expecting much but it helps and would recommend it to everyone especially very busy/stressed people.

Sydney Pierre, Head of Worldwide Sales, LUX* Resorts & Hotels